Special Price!!! Contours Options 3-Wheel Stroller, Blush
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Contours Options 3-Wheel Stroller, Blush Feature
- Reversible seat can face forward or face parent, seat reclines and features height adjustable 5-point harness for safety and padded sleeves for comfort
- Infant car seat attachment (included) fits most brands on the market
- Child cup holder and front bar removes quickly for in and out convenience plus new Easy-Reach parent tray has deeper, ventilated cup holders
- Height adjustable Sunrider canopy includes a peek-in window
- Easy trigger allows for quick fold and upright stand
Contours Options 3-Wheel Stroller, Blush Overview
Turn strolling time into bonding time with the Contours Options 3 Wheeler%2E This stroller features a reversible seat that allows your baby to face you or face forward as your child grows%2E You can also easily design a custom travel system using your favorite infant car seat with included Infant car seat attachment%2E Now includes a child cup holder%2C height adjustable canopy and simpler fold%21 Large storage basket%2E JPMA Certified Stroller weighs just 25 pounds%2EOnly use this product in the reclined position until child can sit up unassisted%2E 50 pounds%2E maximum child weight%2EAccommodates the following infant car seats %28infant car seat not included%29%3ABritax Chaperone%2CChicco KeyFit%2CChicco KeyFit 30%2CCombi Shuttle 33%2CCosco First Ride DX%2CCosco Starter%2CEvenflo Discovery%2CEvenflo Discovery 5%2CEvenflo Embrace%2CEvenflo Embrace 5%2CEvenflo Embrace 5 LX%2CEvenflo Serenade%2CGraco Safe Seat%2CGraco SnugRide Infant%2CGraco SnugRide 32%2CGraco SnugRide 35%2CMaxi%2DCosi Mico%2CPeg Perego Primo Viaggio%2CPeg P%E9rego%2CPrimo Viaggio SIP%2CSafety 1st Designer 22%2CSafety 1st onBoard 35%2CThe trademarks above are the property of their respective owners%2E They are not associated with Kolcraft Enterprises%2C Inc%2E and no approval by them is to be implied%2ESAVE NOW on the special offers below!
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